Participant's voice
奈良県 H.Hさん
· I have been suffering from schizophrenia more than ten years ago. One day, when I was watching a personal computer I learned about my professor on the homepage. Originally I was anxious about Esoteric Buddhism, but I became very interested to know the epitomized Buddhism and decided to see you.
The teacher taught me directly to the amateur easily to understand the epitome exercises. I began to practice not only listening, but I realized that a few weeks later I saw a change in myself. People around me started being told that something improved recently. Then I started going to the moon twice a month, it is already half a year. Now I am really happy with my physical condition and spirituality, I am very happy being told that my family and surrounding people have changed. I would like to tell this exercise Epistostate to people like me, so that we can have a decent life. I would like to continue to learn more about the Esoteric Epistle in the future.
Ms. H. H, Nara Prefecture
・私は、いつもあれこれと悩む癖があり、他人とも争いが起こるほど優柔不断な生活ばかりで過ごして居りました。お陰で悩みも多く不幸が続き生きる元気もなくなるほどでした。一度鑑定をお願いすることにしました。物の見方や考え方をじっくり教わる事が出来、最近では密教の教えを月に一度教わる事にしました。今では、すっかりプラス思考になり、あまり悩まなくらり、今までの自分がマイナスだらけの人間だった事に気が付きました。先生に会わなかったらマイナスだらけの人生を歩んでいたかと思うと・・本当に先生には感謝しております。今後とも密教の考え方をお教え頂く事を楽しみにしております。 大阪府 HIさん
· I have always had a habit of worrying about everything and staying with indecisive lives so much that conflict with other people happens. Thanks to that many troubles and unhappiness continued and it was enough to live. I decided to ask for an appraisal once. I was able to learn thoroughly how to view and think about things, and recently I decided to teach the teachings of esoteric religion once a month. Now I am totally positive thinking, not too much troubled, I noticed that I was a minus full of myself. If I did not meet my teacher I think I was walking full of minus lives ... I truly appreciate the teacher. I am looking forward to teaching the idea of Esoterism in the future. HI from Osaka Prefecture
・最近家に帰ると体がとても疲れてくるので、大変な思いで毎日早めに寝ていました。何か体調が悪いのではないかと病院に行ってみましたが、何も原因が見つからず落ち込んでいました。そんな時知人の紹介で先生に相談鑑定して頂き、家のお祓いをお願いすることに成りました。すると体がスットと何か抜けるような感じがしました。そして体が楽になり、今気が付くと、なんだか体に重りを付けてた様でした。祈願の後に霊障ですねと言われてビックリしました。最近何度か墓地に行くことがあり、それから良くない様な気がしてる事に気が付きました。先生に霊障に対する護身術を教えて頂き、とても元気に成りました。本当にありがとうござ います。 北海道 SHさん
· I got very tired when I got home recently, so I slept early every day with a lot of hardships. I tried going to the hospital to see if something is wrong, but I found something wrong and was depressed. In such a case, it was decided to consult the teacher with an introduction of acquaintance and ask for exorcises of the house. Then I felt like something goes out of my body with Sut. And as the body became easier, when I noticed it now, it seemed that I weighted my body somehow. I was surprised to hear that after speech it is spiritual disorder. I have been going to the cemetery several times recently, and then I noticed that I felt it was not good. My teacher taught me how to deal with spiritual disorder and I became very energetic. thank you very much. Hokkaido SH
和歌山 TUさん
· I decided to ask the teacher for appraisal one day. Actually, at that time, unemployed and money also really seemed to run out of bottom, and I had a hard feeling. At that time, there were no places to live and I often slept under the bridge. When talking about various things sometimes I was told to go to Mt. Koyasan where the teacher was trained. Finally I attached it to Mt. Koyasan. There was a voice from someone when I was at the bus stop. Neither I nor going home, I came to be indebted carefully as I was told. At the edge of various people with a rainbow rpm now, I came to live in Koyasan, I was able to do the work of Koyasan. At that time, if you can not say that your teacher goes to Koyasan, I do not have myself. I really appreciate saving me that there is no place to live, little money.
I also admire that there is one strange thing for some reason to be able to meet wonderfully at Mr. Koyasan's visit to the teacher. Always thanking God Buddha, I am doing my job.
Wakayama TU
・ちょとした気のゆるみで私は、車を奪われました。大切な車で真剣に悩んでおりました。友人に先生の事を紹介して頂き、車が早く見つかるようにと祈願を依頼する事に成りました。車のナンバーと名前と住所をお教えして下さいとの事でした。それから数日後無事に発見されたのです。と言うものそれは不思議の事に先生に発見されたのです。よく聞いてみると祈願の途中に車に会える気がしたのでその日、すれ違う車のナンバーを見ているとすれ違い、車を追跡し警察に報告されたそうです。そんな不思議の事が起こり本当に助かりました。車も傷もなくとてもありがたく感じました。本当に祈祷の力にはビックリしております。 愛媛県 TMさん
· I was robbed of my car due to the looseness of my mind. I was seriously suffering from an important car. I asked my friends about my teacher and asked prayers to find the car as soon as possible. I was to tell you the car number and name and address. It was discovered without incident after several days. What it says is that it was discovered by the teacher in wonder. When I listened frequently, I felt like I could see a car in the middle of a prayer, so I was passing a car as if I was watching the number of the passing car that day, I heard that the police tracked the car and was reported to the police. Such a wonderful thing happened and it was really saved. I felt very grateful without cars and scratches. I am really surprised at the power of prayer. Ehime Prefecture TM