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 Mikkyo Syugendou

The examination path (Examination Epistolism) was born by Japanese ancient mountain faith. I trained mountains throughout the country, got to know prayers, and for the sake of the refugee state I tried to practice the prayers of the Esoteric Epistles. Indeed, the teachings of ancient Japanese exiled paths (Examination Epistles) are traditional and orthodox teachings in Japan accompanied by truth and reason. Trainee (Yamabushi) training and holding method Praying recipe enters Minee, sucks the mountain river, worships the spirit of nature in mountains, rocks, waterfalls, trees, animals, etc., and is suitable for mind and body training · By choosing a place of business, by experiencing the spiritual power, the silence and the clear mind, and the spiritual flow of the spirit, we are deeply aware that all the things in this world are suited for Buddha nature, and for all things It tried to make use of it.


In the teaching of the Experimental Epistle (Shudo), it was an ancient Esoteric Buddhism itself, such as signing a sign, casting a true saying, burning a goddess. The teachings Taikyo Esoteric / Shingon Esoteric Buddhism advances as a result of the ancient Buddhism (Experimental Epistolism) preceding it, leading to the present age. In Esoteric religion, "purity of triplet", that is, by purifying his own body, words and consciousness, and seeing the point of enlightenment, it gains God · Buddha's admiration ability "Immediate Buddha "(I will aim to become this living Buddha like this this way). (I think that my body will sign a signature, the mouth will cast a true message, and consciousness will be seen to be united with the Buddha). In addition, in the triennial Esoteric Buddhism, we are also training "immutable triple dense" aiming for "immediate Buddha" in its original state by raising the level of training. (It is the highest level of enlightenment of the high dimension) All matters are summarizing praying prayers themselves. The significance of holding prayers is a repair that invites people who seek happiness, exorcising all distress, trouble, suffering, evil, evil spirit, sickness.

修験密教(修験道)の教えの中には、印を結んで、真言を唱え、護摩を焚いたりするなど、古来の密教そのものだったのです。その教え古密教(修験密教)が先行することで天台密教・真言密教が進み現代に至っております。密教においては、「有相の三密」 つまり、自分自身の身体や言葉や意識を清浄にして、悟りの境地を観じることにより神様・仏様の加持力を得るもので「即身成仏」(この身このまま生きた仏様になる事)を目指しています。(身は印契を結び、口は真言を唱え、意識は、仏と一体になることを観じると想う)三密加持を重んじております。さらに、修験密教では、修行レベルを上げることで、そのままの状態で「即身成仏」をめざす「無相の三密」をも修めております。(高次元の最高の悟りのレベルです)すべての事柄が加持祈祷、そのものを集約しております。加持祈祷の意義は、すべての迷い・悩み・苦しみ・災い・悪霊・病魔・を祓い、幸福を求める人達に招き入れる修法です。

・Make a miracle by experiential training 体験修行で奇跡を起こす
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Mental and physical training

· Experience training ・修 行 体 験
· Experience in training
· Why do not you change yourself to happiness?
In order to raise awareness, do not take a while to look back on yourself.
Let's experience the practice with the curriculum that fits the level of the individual.
Experience at the Shuffle The correct way of thinking, such as imagination, concentration, gratitude and acclaim, will grow up in the training experience at the General Administration. You will experience the loss of distress and trouble suffering. Please do not hesitate to apply. I am waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.
· New employee training
· Let's improve consciousness level for both physical and mental. For all matters I will guide the way of thinking about the way of thinking of basic things.
The examination total headquarters will be further improved by learning correct awareness, such as how to improve troubles and human relationships immediately with people. Experience training to improve things' way of thinking and better awareness. I am waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart. Please feel free to contact us.
· Company training
· For corporations, unity and unity are very important things.
However, they are gathered according to their thoughts and thoughts. You must do it after judging the personality and level of consciousness of each person. Total Examination The General Administrative Agency provides guidance on how to practice things and training methods to improve better awareness through correct training.
I am waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.


· Meditation experience
· Meditation in esoteric religion · View of Aki · Zazen fosters the ability to concentrate on one thing by calming the mind. You can think of nothing and become inexpert. I feel a sense of unity with nature. When you meditate, thoughts and ideas come to mind about the past, the present, and the future as you go around the mind. You can keep your own normal heart, you can wish for yourself reflections and the thoughts from now.
The Examination General Headquarters will inform you of the proper Esoteric meditation, view of Akura and zen meditation. Please feel free to contact us.
· Experience in training  ・修行体験各種
The experiences of Shuzen (and so) training of the entrance do the previous line to enter the peak. Enter the mountain and walk through the mountains with the aim of secluding misuzuka of the 28 museums and the mountains. While we are watching all the living things of the mountains, we will do our best while praying for our own confession and sangage while receiving the energy of the great nature's earth, the energy of the trees, energy such as waterfalls and megaliths. And I will also practice training and grinding train. By doing so you can look back on your own mind and experience experiences of selflessness. Each level of consciousness can be raised. Also, you can arrange your own soul and cleanse it. 抖櫢 Training will be a basic training of Esoteric Epistle.
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The experiences of Shuzen (and so) training of the entrance do the previous line to enter the peak. Enter the mountain and walk through the mountains with the aim of secluding misuzuka of the 28 museums and the mountains. While we are watching all the living things of the mountains, we will do our best while praying for our own confession and sangage while receiving the energy of the great nature's earth, the energy of the trees, energy such as waterfalls and megaliths. And I will also practice training and grinding train. By doing so you can look back on your own mind and experience experiences of selflessness. Each level of consciousness can be raised. Also, you can arrange your own soul and cleanse it. 抖櫢 Training will be a basic training of Esoteric Epistle.
Meditation experience
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· It is said that you can release yourself from various streets and troubles by trying to stabilize your own mind by preparing your own soul by experiencing meditation. Total Examination The results of each examinations are raised at the General Administrative Agency, and teaching methods of rewarding good wishes are carried out. From beginners to professionals, by all means on this occasion, let's try selling your life. Feel free to contact · We are waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.
Takinagi experience
· By receiving water from the waterfall, the entire body will be filled with energy. Please experience the feeling of sin. It is said that it will be released from various streets and troubles by stabilizing the mind of its own. Total Examination The results of each examinations are raised at the General Administrative Agency, and teaching methods of rewarding good wishes are carried out. From beginners to professionals, by all means on this occasion, let's try selling your life. Feel free to contact · We are waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.

· Esoteric Experience Training Experience ・密教修験道修行体験
Internal guardian experience
· We will fire the gods in the temple.
Write your own wishes on the Buddhist tree and do it by the correct esoteric repair. Fire of Mamoru is said to be Houma, because the energy of nature (the universe) is high, it burns out the human's anxiety and fulfills his wishes. Please feel it once in front of you. By Mamoru, you will experience magical energy. The whole examination We are waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart. Please feel free to contact us.
Ringing Mamoritai sensation
· Naruto Mamoru Prayer is learning from traditional Japanese traditional style, old style. Clean up bad places and purge evil spirits. By experiencing the sounding Mamoru prayer, you can experience the energy of God Buddha of mysticism. By sounding (sound of a kettle), I will identify each worker's consciousness.
The praying prayer prayer prayer of Naruto Mamoru can excite all distress, trouble, suffering, disaster, spiritual disorder, sickness, and invite the richness and peace of mind to those who seek happiness. The General Examination Agency conducts prayer of prayer by correct guidance of Ringo Mami's repair method and ringing Mamo. I am waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart. Please do not hesitate to consult with the general examining agency.
Lighting gima experience
· We will do prayer for goddess in the open air. Building a monumental prayer · After fierce barrier has been made, I pray for prayers while firing a forged tree of the people who participated with whole body. Ladder Mamoru prayer, which accompanies the exercises of Epistle Esoteric Buddhism, burns all the anxieties, evacuates evil spirits and leads all things to fulfillment.
The whole examination We are waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart. Please feel free to contact us.
Fire handing experience
· After fire the firefighting fire and charcoal, it is easy to walk like a narrow road, arranging and arranging, enters the trial of Taisei era fire liberation (Kasho Zamai). Burning wisdom of Buddha's wisdom to burn people's anxiety to reach the enlightenment of Buddha's enlightenment. And I will cross the fire. I pray for my own wish and disease-free illness from now by receiving fire energy (work of fire) throughout my body and mind. By praying for prayers to many examinees, the interest will also be doubled. And by making it fire, we exorcise all the troubles, troubles, sufferings, evil spirits, evil spirits, sickness, and invite the richness and peace of mind to those who seek happiness. I am waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
・Voices of participants' joy  ・参加者の喜びの声
Voice of Mountain Training participation
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· Thank you for walking over the mountains, reflecting oneself and all the things.
Total Examination The results of each examinations are raised at the General Administrative Agency, and teaching methods of rewarding good wishes are carried out. From beginners to professionals, by all means on this occasion, let's try selling your life. Feel free to contact · We are waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.
Voice of meditation participants
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瞑想 参加者の声
· It made my heart easier by meditating.
Total Examination The results of each examinations are raised at the General Administrative Agency, and teaching methods of rewarding good wishes are carried out. From beginners to professionals, by all means on this occasion, let's try selling your life. Feel free to contact · We are waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.
Voice of participants in the waterfall
· I gained confidence in myself by being struck by a waterfall.
It is really cold. I appreciate being able to experience it once in my life.
Total Examination The results of each examinations are raised at the General Administrative Agency, and teaching methods of rewarding good wishes are carried out. From beginners to professionals, by all means on this occasion, let's try selling your life. Feel free to contact · We are waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.

Voice of the Bamboo experience
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· The gima experience was very impressed. I felt that my wish was fulfilled.
Total Examination The results of each examinations are raised at the General Administrative Agency, and teaching methods of rewarding good wishes are carried out. From beginners to professionals, by all means on this occasion, let's try selling your life. Feel free to contact · We are waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.
· Self-copying · Shot Buddha · Experience training of sutra・写経・写仏・読経 の 体験修行
Praying Prayers
· It is said that there are many interests when reciting sutra. In sutra, it is divided into a transcendental society and a Mahayana sutra. It is said that you can liberate from various streets and troubles by trying to stabilize your own heart by casting sutra. Total Examination The results of each examinations are raised at the General Administrative Agency, and teaching methods of rewarding good wishes are carried out. From beginners to professionals, by all means on this occasion, let's try selling your life. Feel free to contact · We are waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.
Shuhei experience
· Shaoshu calms the mind and carefully writes each character one by one. Originally it is said that it is right to advocate singing songs when you finish writing a letter. Writing a letter enhances spiritual unity and concentration. Patience and memory will also improve. My mind is stable and less lost. Total Examination The General Administrative Agency provides guidance on how each achievement will improve. Please feel free to contact us. Please take this opportunity to experience it. I am waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.
Photography experience
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· Buddha is to write a copy of Buddha itself. Buddha's petition is different for Buddha. Let me copy the pictures of Buddha that I am hoping and petitioned. Let's carefully write each belongings and vehicles etc, and Lotus Lotus etc. The examination total headquarters will give guidance on the beneficiary photography. The Buddha's interests will be invited to people who are seeking happiness, exorcising lost, troubled, evil, evil spirit, sickness. I am waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.
Praying Prayers
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· It is said that there are many interests when reciting sutra. In sutra, it is divided into a transcendental society and a Mahayana sutra. It is said that you can liberate from various streets and troubles by trying to stabilize your own heart by casting sutra. Total Examination The results of each examinations are raised at the General Administrative Agency, and teaching methods of rewarding good wishes are carried out. From beginners to professionals, by all means on this occasion, let's try selling your life. Feel free to contact · We are waiting for the participation of many people from the bottom of my heart.
・Prayers · Embarrassment · Spirits · Holding prayers 祈願・厄除け・除霊・加持祈祷
Ancestor retirement
· In order for our ancestors to be Buddhist, correct dedication is necessary. In the General Administrative Agency, I am teaching you to understand the correct way that suits me. By serving our ancestors, we will lead our unfortunate self to good luck. If you do the correct dedication, your ancestors will be grown up. By removing the misfortune from yourself, you will bring yourself to happiness by opening up and keeping you happy. The General Examination Agency provides guidance and dedication to its ancestor 's way of dedicating. Please feel free to contact us.
Miserable prayer
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· I will resolve my wishes and troubles by prayer. It is said that there is a great calamity in the year of trouble. We encourage you to pray for misery to escape your own calamity by exorcism. The Trial Examination Agency provides guidance and pray for its way of praying and misbehaving. Please feel free to contact us.
Spiritual prayers
· I recommend it to those with disasters and disasters. By exorciation, I exorcise evil bonds. Complete each wish
Exorcise evil spirits and spiritual disorder, and the Primary Examination Government will pray for prayers to invite luck. In the General Examination Agency, we give guidance on that method and exorcism / spiritual prayers. Please feel free to contact us.
Prayers prayers prayers
· We recommend you to those who have many unfortunate events and unexplained physical condition defects. By spiritually seeing the cause and resolving it, we will raise our fortune and exhort the spiritual disorder, inviting our fortune. At the General Humanities Headquarters, we are conducting guidance and praying for each way to remove spirituality and spiritual disorder. Please feel free to contact us.

About Brian

We are waiting for the participation of many people.


Please feel free to contact me by phone or email. Or alternatively fill in the form below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

PHONE NUMBER:  090-8695-5866

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